Q: Are estimates free?
YES! We offer free estimates to our potential customers. Contact us by phone, email or social to set up a time.
Q: When can I drive or walk on my concrete?
You can walk on your concrete 24 hours after it is finished. Please wait 7 days before driving on concrete.
Q: Who is your concrete provider?
We use D.W. Dickeys & Son. concrete.
Q: What specifications do you use when you pour concrete?
We ensure there is at least 4” of limestone gravel compacted for the base. We use 4,500 psi concrete with fiber, typically poured at least 4” thick, with wire mesh reinforcement.
Q: When and how often should concrete be sealed?
All broom finish concrete projects of ours get cured and sealed upon completion.
All stamped concrete projects of ours get sealed upon completion.
All existing concrete must be clean and dry before being re-sealed. Driveways should be sealed once a year. All other broom finish concrete should be sealed every 5 years. Stamped concrete should be sealed every 4-5 years.